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27-10-2006, 10:28
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27-10-2006, 10:41
Mudvayne это:
Chud - вокал
Guug - гитара
R-uD - бас-гитара
Spug - ударные

Краткая история группы: После года, проведённого в дороге, участники Mudvayne взяли только один месяц отпуска перед тем, как начать работу над своим вторым альбомом «The End of All Things to Come» (Epic Records, ноябрь 19, 2002).

Вместо того чтобы сделать альбомное звучание более лёгким, группа рискнула сделать амбициозную запись. Все замерли в ожидании нового шедевра от Mudvayne, который должен был стать показателем роста группы.

Первый сингл «Not Falling» в единении с «(Per)Version of a Truth» и «World So Cold» породили как новый взгляд на мелодичность и безбашенность Mudvayne-а как в музыкальном плане, так и в видении темной лирики, ритмичной сложности и зубчатости, огромной брутальности. «The End of All Things to Come» охватывает тот период в существовании Mudvayne, когда группа нашла «свои» голос и сделала огромный и успешный шаг с доверием.

«Я всегда говорил, что Дэвид Линч мог бы сделать фильм из ничего, и он бы всё равно воспринимался как фильм Линча», объясняет ударник Spug. «С одной стороны во время того, как мы записывали альбом, я чувствовал, что мы можем сделать то же самое с музыкой; мы можем играть, всё что угодно и это всё равно будет Mudvayne. Оглянувшись назад я понял что произошло после 18 месяцев путешествий – мы наконец осознали кем мы есть как группа».

«Мы не хотели выпускать альбомы с периодичностью большей чем два года и с того времени, как мы оказались в дороге», объясняет Chud. Мы придумывали песни и репетировали их на протяжении четырёх месяцев, а потом потратили ещё четыре месяца для записи и сведения материала для будущего альбома».

«Положа руку на сердце, я искренне думал, что мы не сможем записать плиту настолько быстро, насколько мы этого хотели, но мы смогли в конечном итоге», продолжает Chud. «Я очень горд этим альбомом с любой позиции – музыки, мелодий, конструкций и лирики. Это словно фокусирование нашего внутреннего мира на сегодняшний момент».

«Самым сложным был первый шаг», говорит Spug. «С самого начала мы знали, каким мы хотим видеть новый альбом и какими путями хотим сделать этот альбом лучше предыдущего, но мы не знали с чего начать».

Дебютный песней с нового альбома стала композиция «Not Falling» - песня, показывающая насколько отношение группы к музыке стало более зрелым со времён, когда ребята записали свой дебютный альбом «L.D. 50».

«На дебютнике мы играли в наших собственных маленьких коробках, словно мы играли для, того, чтобы удивить самих себя», говорит Spug. «Но со временем, мы поняли, что выросли из этого всего и нужны новые пути к подаче музыкального материала».

«Not Falling» служит не только ключом, который открывает новый альбом с музыкальной точки зрения, Chud говорит, что это также субъект песен открывающийся с лирической стороны. «Создание этой песни было необычайно огромный опытом для меня», говорит он. «Песня требует, чтобы быть ядром, центральной на альбоме. Если вы хотите думать о ней в астрономическом понимании, песня станет солнцем для остальных песен на альбоме, на орбите вокруг».

Момент создания «Not Falling» стал опорным для создания нового альбома – ребята поняли, как достичь того, чего они хотят. Вдохновлённые и полные сил, Mudvayne начинают записывать «The End of All Things to Come» вместе с известным продюсером David-ом Bottrill-ом (King Crimson, Tool, Peter Gabriel) в Миннеаполисе, штат Миннесота на студии «Pachyderm Studios» (здесь был записан альбом группы Nirvana – «In Utero»).

В студии, Bottrill мгновенно призвал ребят к работе, говорит Chud. «David принёс с собой просто безумное вдохновение для контроля над работой. Он всё время был с нами, стал частью коллектива».

«Он достал из глубин наших душ всё самое лучшее и поставил перед группой вопрос – зачем мы это делаем всё это на самом деле», добавляет Spug.

Mudvayne были приятно удивлены тем фактом, что Bottrill работал с культовой группой King Crimson – одной из самых любимых групп Mudvayne-а. Опыт Bottrill-а технически помог и подарил такой группе, как King Crimson возможность найти путь, чтобы сделать свою музыку вызывающей, но в тоже время не «отстранённой» от слушателя.

«Одним из наиболее значимых вкладов Дэвида в этот альбом – помощь нам в «смягчении» интеллектуальность группы без исключения её», говорит Spug. «Когда мы начали записывать материал, Дэвид спросил нас «Вы играете это, потому что вы можете или потому что хотите видеть песню такой?». Он действительно вёл нас по правильному пути».

Внимание Bottrill-а было сконцентрировано вокруг структуры и опыта группы на пути к комбинированию различных вариантов для создания органики на «The End of All Things to Comе».

Когда альбом был закончен, Spug сказал, что он осознал насколько группа выросла в музыкальном плане и насколько «сплоченно» они стали делать музыку вместе. «Когда я прослушал сведённый альбом – я понял, насколько новые песни слились с нашими новыми обликами и тем, кем мы стали», объясняет Spug.

Группа была основана в далёком 1996 году в Peoria, Illinois. С самого начала, группа поставила перед собой принцип – играть только свою музыку, без никаких правил и граней. «Если вы группа из Среднего Запада – вы или играете каверы песен или не зарабатываете деньги», говорит Chud. «Мы отказались играть каверы, потому что мы были больше заинтересованы в поисках нашего собственного звучания, нежели пытаясь играть чужые вещи».

Решение группы следовать своему уникальному виденью музыки было вознаграждено в 1999 году, когда Mudvayne подписали контракт с Epic Records. Годом позже, дебютный альбом группы «L.D. 50» был переиздан. После этого группа окунулась в жёсткий гастрольный график и начала видеть, как количество их фанов стало расти в геометрической прогрессии во время совместного турне с группой Disturbed и выступление на Tattoo the Earth festival. В 2001 году группа удостоилась чести выступить на Ozzfest-е.

Турне стало началом прыжка к победоносному шествию группы по миру. После турне, дебютник Mudvayne - L.D. 50 – получил золото (500, 000 проданных экземпляров) по версии RIAA. В сентябре 2001 года, группа победила на первом MTV2 Video Music Award, проходившем на MTV Video Music Awards.

Белая полоса для Mudvayne продолжилась зимой, когда группа выпустила «The Beginning of All Things to End», в который вошёл старый материал группы (независимый дебютник «Kill I Oughtta», вышедший в 1997 году) плюс ремиксы и некоторые вещи из «L.D. 50».

Последовавший за релизом DVD-сингл для песни «Dig» стал первым DVD синглом за всю историю Epic Records. Так же Mudvayne выпустили полноценный DVD – «Live in Peoria». Диск включал в себя 90 минут живого перформенса, «закулисных съёмок» и бонус – видео «Death Blooms».

С «The End of All Things To Come», Mudvayne продолжили расширять свои артистические грани.

27-10-2006, 10:43

27-10-2006, 11:03
Афигенная группа:good:
обожаю песенки Forget to remember, Happy, Not falling..........да и ещё много песенок рульных

27-10-2006, 11:06
аааааааааааа.....вазап респехтище.

27-10-2006, 11:07
аааааааааааа.....вазап респехтище.

27-10-2006, 11:09
по моему с клипа диг.

27-10-2006, 11:09

27-10-2006, 11:15
я балдею с етого "лысого".

27-10-2006, 11:18

27-10-2006, 11:20

27-10-2006, 11:24
Все,сейчас про Sevendust топ сделаю! :?)

27-10-2006, 11:24

27-10-2006, 11:25
Все,сейчас про Sevendust топ сделаю! :?)
я ж не против

27-10-2006, 11:29
с клипа Not Falling(маски)

27-10-2006, 11:35
он еще и летать умеед. :eek:

27-10-2006, 11:37
"World So Cold"

When passion's lost and all the trust is gone,
Way too far, for way too long
Children crying, cast out and neglected,
Only in a world so cold, only in a world
This cold
Hold the hand of your best friend, look into their eyes
Then watch them drift away
Some might say, we've done the wrong things,
For way too long, for way too long

Fever inside the storm,
So I'm turning away.
Away from the name
(Calling your names)
Away from the stones
(Throw sticks and stones)
'Cause I'm through mending the wounds of us

Keep your thorns
'Cause I'm running away,
Away from the games
(Fucking head games)
Away from the space
(Hate this head space)
The circumstances of a world so cold

burning whispers, Remind me of the days,
I was left alone, in a world this cold
Guilty of the same things, provoked by
The cause,
I've left alone, in a world so cold
Fever inside the storm,
So I'm turning away.
Away from the name
(Calling your names)
Away from the stones
(Throw sticks and stones)
'Cause I'm through mending the wounds of us

Keep your thorns
'Cause I'm running away,
Away from the games
(Fucking head games)
Away from the space
(Hate this head space)
The circumstances of a world so cold

I'm flying, I'm flying away,
Away from the names
(Calling your names)
Away from the games
(Fucking head games)
The circumstances of a world so cold

Why does everyone feel like my enemy,
Don't want any part of depression or
Darkness, I've had enough
sick and tired, bring the sun, or I'm gone,
Or I'm gone

I'm backing out, I'm no pawn,
No mother-fucking slave to this,
Never lied
Never left
Never lived
Never loved
Never lost
Never hurt
Never worry about being me, or anyone else
Not a care, no concern, don't give a shit about

Backing out, giving up, no mother-fucking
Slave to this,
Never lied
Never left
Never lived
Never loved
Never lost
Never hurt
Never worry about being me, or anyone lese
Not a care, no concern, don't give a shit about

I need to find a darkened corner,
A lightless corner,
Where it's safer and calmer,

I'm turning away.
Away from the name
(Calling your names)
Away from the stones
(Throw sticks and stones)
'Cause I'm through mending the wounds of us

Keep your thorns
'Cause I'm running away,
Away from the games
(Fucking head games)
Away from the space
(Hate this head space)
The circumstances of a world so cold

I'm flying, I'm flying away,
Away from the names
(Calling your names)
Away from the games
(Fucking head games)
The circumstances of a world so cold

27-10-2006, 12:35
офигенная группа
ваще..мега респект..из всего этго метал-кора-альтернативы-ню-метала зарубежного-любимые..

27-10-2006, 12:41

...абАЖАЙу иХнивА басИСта...рЕТЧайшЫЙ псИХ... %\ %\ %\ ...шТО оН вЫтвАРЯиД...эХ...

27-10-2006, 12:43

...абАЖАЙу иХнивА басИСта...рЕТЧайшЫЙ псИХ... %\ %\ %\ ...шТО оН вЫтвАРЯиД...эХ...
мастер !

27-10-2006, 12:44
...жЫрныЕ роШги...

27-10-2006, 12:46
мастер !
...ивО пАРТИЙУ пАФтариТЬ нАВернА ниРИАльнА... :( :( :( ...

27-10-2006, 13:19
риспект на счет бассилы=)

27-10-2006, 13:24
ничо так..паслушать мона

27-10-2006, 14:48
риспект на счет бассилы=)
...а...жЭсть...я хАтеЛ снАЧалА вЫлажЫть эТУ фоТУ... :lol: :lol: :lol: ...

...крАсивЫЙ... :kiss: :kiss: :kiss: ...

27-10-2006, 15:26
в последнее время очень понравилось...

самый крутой мен там - бассист...
гитарист меня нервирует...

28-10-2006, 23:22
в последнее время очень понравилось...

самый крутой мен там - бассист...
гитарист меня нервирует...
давай инфу куюто =)

29-10-2006, 00:19

08-11-2006, 11:27
шяс какраз слушаю.....
Нот фолинг
тупо жир :yes:

02-12-2006, 23:13
ну хфанаты..
что там слышно..
када шо будет? :confused:

02-12-2006, 23:15
ну хфанаты..
что там слышно..
када шо будет? :confused:
на склад пополнили 4 альбома

02-12-2006, 23:23
на склад пополнили 4 альбома
я инфу о группе просил
альбом мож віпускают, мож перемені в составе или хз...

02-12-2006, 23:26
я инфу о группе просил
альбом мож віпускают, мож перемені в составе или хз...
уу ненаю.....но состав они врод неминяют

12-01-2007, 23:15
MUDVAYNE ето круто........ :yes:

12-01-2007, 23:33
фото офигеть!!!!!!!!!!

12-01-2007, 23:38
Обожаю их!

21-01-2007, 14:53
MuDvAyNe - 2005 - Lost And Found

1. Determined

So fucking determined
Yeah, yeah go...
You better believe it, confidence
So fucking determined
Yeah, yeah go...
Spit out all reason,

I'm tired of holdin' up the weight,
The weight of the motherfuckin' world.
All I want is just to get right here
Right now.
We struggle and fight just to get in a grave
That's overflowing
Clock's ticking on my fifteen minutes of fame
Come on now, one two three go

So fucking determined
Yeah, yeah go...
You better believe it, confidence
So fucking determined
Yeah, yeah go...
Spit out all reason,

I'm flushing the trust of everyone
Stabbing in the back and thinkin' they can break me
Set my sight can't die 'till I'm done, mind endurance
Never wanted anymore than what I deserve
Better bring it I'm taking it all
Fuck an inch 'cause I'm bringin' a mile
It's on now one two three go

So fucking determined
Yeah, yeah go...
You better believe it, confidence
So fucking determined
Yeah, yeah go...
Spit out all reason,

This fire,
Is growing,
Is burning
Deep inside of me.
The way it's got to be.

Deep inside of me,
The way it's got to be.

No trust.
Drunk with
Taught me everything that I know...

So wrong,

One two three GO...

So fucking determined
Yeah, yeah go...
You better believe it, confidence
So fucking determined
Yeah, yeah go...
Spit out all reason,

I'm fucking determined
Yeah, yeah go...
You better believe it, confidence
I'm fucking determined
Yeah, yeah go...
Spit out all reason,

2. Pushing Through

Rip the womb
Feeling so sorry
Selfish and sore
Piece by piece I can carry it all
Strength to be driven
So unforgiving anything is possible
Like leaving you all
I'm turning my back on this killing so small

Step by step I'm pushing through this
(All of you get away from me)
Eye for an eye I'm pushing through this
My law
Step by step I'm pushing through this
(All of you get away from me)
Tooth for a tooth I'm pushing through this
Through you

Salt the wound
Cut through a conscience I've failed to explore
The calm before the storm
Speak your peace and prepare for the fall
Words have been chosen
Tainting the gift
Lying truth's so incredible
So fuck you all
I'm turning my back on this killing so small

Step by step I'm pushing through this
(All of you get away from me)
Eye for an eye I'm pushing through this
My law
Step by step I'm pushing through this
(All of you get away from me)
Tooth for a tooth I'm pushing through this
Through you

Spread the word
The killing is over
Spread the word
The killing is over

Severed, more than I am, more than I ever was,
Blindside, threatened, my worth, sequestered
You stoned a part of me
You've taken a part of me

You wanted to be
Wanted to have a life
You wanted to fight
Wanted the right...Your lies
Spoken to me without a conscious
No right
Breaking a mold
Breaking the trust
A child
Innocent lost
Ultimate cost
The loss
Life so undone
Deserted the seed
You've buried the bottle

Step by step I'm pushing through this
(All of you get away from me)
Eye for an eye I'm pushing through this
My law
Step by step I'm pushing through this
(All of you get away from me)
Tooth for a tooth I'm pushing through this
Through you

Step by step I'm pushing through
Eye for an eye I'm pushing through
Tooth for a tooth I'm pushing through

Pushing through
Pushing through
Pushing through
Pushing through
Pushing through

3. Happy?

In this hole
That is me
The dead are rolling over
In this hole
Dirt shoveled over shoulders

I feel it in me
So overwhelmed
Oh this pressured center rising
My life over turned
Unfair the despair
All these scars keep ripping open

Peel me from the skin
Tear me from the rind
Does it make you happy now?

Tear meat from the bone
Tear me from myself
Are you feeling happy now?

In this hole
That is me
A life that's growing feeble
In this hole
So limiting
The sun has set all darkness

Buried underneath
Hands slip off the wheel
Internal pathway to contention

Peel me from the skin
Tear me from the rind
Does it make you happy now?

Tear meat from the bone
Tear me from myself
Are you feeling happy now?

Are you

Are you

Are you feeling happy?

In this hole
That is me
Left with a heart exhausted
Whats my release?
What sets me free?
Do you pull me up just to push me down again?

Peel me from the skin
Tear me from the rind
Does it make you happy now?

Tear meat from the bone
Tear me from myself
Are you feeling happy?

Peel me from the skin
(peel me from the skin)
Tear me from the rind
Does it make you happy now?

Tear meat from the bone
(Tear meat from the bone)
Tear me from myself
Are you feeling happy?

Does it make you happy?
Are you feeling happy?
Are you fucking happy?
Now that I'm lost left with nothing

Does it make you happy?
Are you feeling happy?
Are you fucking happy?
Now that I'm lost left with nothing?

4. IMN

Don't give a fuck about this
My life or any other
Just go away and let me hang
Impossible to forgive, forget it, murderer
I'm in control

Living a lie
Make you pay at all cost for this
Love sick
Bring it

Decisions making themselves
I don't need you
Thorns in my side
So I die

No one
No one could ever understand
My life's exhausted
No one
No one could ever understand
This life IMN

To bring you all down with me
Break you
Beat down
No more fucking empathy
From me, for you
Fed up i've had enough
My war
Instigated controversy
Lay down
Sell out
So wrong

Drag the blade and go away
I stand, cold cruel and lost
Take me I'm ready

No one
No one could ever understand
My life's exhausted
No one
No one could ever understand
Pressure constricting
So hard
Like a stone
Fight hard
Break bones break

No one
No one could ever understand
This life IMN

Your pressure
My time
My life
Fight for your honesty
Fight for integrity

All work and no play
All work and no play
All work and no play waiting
All work and no play
All work and no play left me

I want to eat a bullet
Carve myself
Beat my face
Dig my brain
No pain! suffocate!
Stomach aches
Don't give a fuck
I'm out, I'm done
Fuck this shit
You've dug the hole
I'm lying in

No one could ever understand
No one could ever understand
Fight for your honesty
Fight for integrity

No one
No one could ever understand
My life's exhausted
No one
No one could ever understand
Pressure constricting
So hard
Like a stone
Fight hard
Break bones break

No one
No one could ever understand
This life, IMN

My world
My rules
My noose

My world
My rules
Fuck you

My world
My rules
My noose

My world
My rules
Fuck you

5. Fall Into Sleep

Dreams of earthquakes
Dreams of hurricanes
Dreams of pouring rain
Dreams of tidal waves...to wash us all away
Dreams of guns blazed
Dreams of fire rage
Dreams of swollen graves
Dreams of hollow pain
All gone

No more fallen
No more enemy
No more casuality
No more dream

Fall into sleep
Fall into me
I have a dream
But nobody cares
Nobody wants to listen

Fall into sleep
Fall into me
Hang on to a dream that nobody wants
Nobody cares anymore

Dreams of mourning grief
Dreams of disbelief
Dreams of tragedy
Dreams of our disease...to take us all away
Dreams of fidelity
Dreams of inner peace
Dreams of loyalty
Dreams of unity
All gone
All gone

Fall into sleep
Fall into me
I have a dream
But nobody cares
Nobody wants to listen

Fall into sleep
Fall into me
Hang on to a dream that nobody wants
Nobody cares anymore

The angels are injured
Fall with broken burning wings
Are we dead inside
Are we blind
We can't keep moving forward
Backwards with closed eyes
We're losing sight
All lost inside

No more fallen
No more enemy

Fall into sleep
Fall into me
I have a dream
But nobody cares
Nobody wants to listen

Fall into sleep
Fall into me
Hang on to a dream that nobody wants
Nobody cares
Nobody wants
Nobody cares anymore

All gone
All gone
All gone
All gone

21-01-2007, 15:20
6. Rain. Sun. Gone.

So far
Left with nothing
Hanging by a memory
No stars
To give me one wish
So lost in the dark
Feels like I'm caving in from the outside
All right
All wrong
See you again
So long
Nothing matters anymore at all
Nothing matters anymore

Life's not meant to be disposable
Lost. Found. Dead.
Ready and willing
Can't stop the bleeding
Life's not meant to be expendable
Rain. Sun. Gone.
Left robbed unwilling
Can't fight the feeling

So low
Clinging to a tragedy
So clear
Hear weeping voices
Tears fall in the dark
Feels like I'm carving in from the outside
So lost. So gone. So wrong.

Life's not meant to be disposable
Lost. Found. Dead.
Ready and willing
Can't stop the bleeding
Life's not meant to be expendable
Rain. Sun. Gone.
Left robbed unwilling
Can't fight the feeling

It's never ending
Never goes away
But you did
It's never ending
Never goes away
But you did...
The body's just a vehicle to hold
Until we find another space
Find another place
To start this over
The enemy
The action I can't condone
Do you suffer with me
Can I give you my loss
To feel
To hold close
Can I give you my pain
To feel
To be eaten alive by
Fucking suffer
Suffer like me

Life's not meant to be disposable
Lost. Found. Dead.
Ready and willing
Can't stop the bleeding
Life's not meant to be expendable
Rain. Sun. Gone.
Left robbed unwilling
Can't fight the feeling

7. Choices

Leaders are guilty of nothing
They're perfectly insane
But if they'd point the finger at themselves
Who would be left to blame

Lead into grace
Lead to corruption
A truth or lie has to be spoken
King or con has to be chosen
Way of life complete or broken...broken

No more...choices
No more...choices
No more...choices

Leaders are guilty of nothing
They're perfectly insane
But if they'd point the finger at themselves
Who would be left to blame

Follow truth or stutter through a lie
Will to push or give up and fall behind
Live with peace or nurture your tragic life
Bite the bullet or swallow it whole

Leaders are guilty of nothing
They're perfectly insane
But if they'd point the finger at themselves
Who would be left to blame
Point the finger at yourself

There's no choice
Anymore anyway...

We don't have a choice
Anymore anyway
We don't have a voice
Anymore Anyway

There's no choice in freedom
There's no voice in freedom
We don't have a choice
Anymore anyway
We don't have a voice
Anymore anyway
There's no choice in freedom
There's no voice in freedom

Leaders are guilty of nothing
They're perfectly insane
But if they'd point the finger at themselves
Who would be left to blame

They're lost system of destruction
Flush all hope down the drain
But if they'd point the finger at themselves
Who is left to blame
Who is left to blame

We don't have a choice
Anymore anyway
We don't have a voice
Anymore anyway
There's no choice in freedom
There's no voice in freedom
We don't have a choice
Anymore anyway
We don't have a voice
Anymore anyway

There's no choice in freedom
There's no voice in freedom
We don't have a choice
Anymore anyway
We don't have a voice
Anymore anyway

We don't have a reason
Anymore anyway
We don't have control
Anymore anyway
We don't have opinions
Anymore anyway

There's no choice in freedom
There's no voice in freedom

Freedom, buy in
Freedom, sell out
Freedom, betray
Freedom, lay down
Freedom, corrupt
Freedom, opinion
Freedom, give up
Freedom, give in

8. Forget To Remember

What have I done?
Where have I come from?
When I burnt the backs with the sun through a glass
did I seal the loss that's become me?

Feeling undone
What have I become?
When I turned my back on you I turned my back on
myself and became this machine


I feel it on the inside
Twisting and contorting
Memory has shaped me once again

Still feel you on the inside
Biting through and stinging
Will I ever forget to remember?

Shadows in the sun
Filter through us
Still wrestle the demons that arrested me as a child
Confession rejected
We grow up
To give up
People step on the cracks for wounds owed paid back
Through the words of surrender


I feel it on the inside
Twisting and contorting
Memory has shaped me once again
Still feel you on the inside
Biting through and stinging
Will I ever forget to remember?

Can you save me?
From myself
From these memories
Can you save me?
From myself
From these memories

To the shadows
Haunting inside
Bleed through you
Surrender to the secretes...inside
Lies within you

I feel it on the inside
Twisting and contorting
Memory has shaped me once again
Still feel you on the inside
Biting through and stinging
Will I ever forget to remember?

Can't feel you on the inside
Set down the bag and left it
Lost memory has left me
One again
Open up the inside
Admission for the cleansing
Now that I've forgotten to remember

To the shadows
Haunting inside
Bleed through you

9. TV Radio

You incomplete me
You tune me into
Spoon fed
Brain dead

I'd watch the paint dry before giving in
Black out

False stars above keep us sedated
The Government

I'm overdosing on reality
Don't stop the feed
No don't touch the feed

I don't wanna wanna be
Wanna wanna be
I don't want to be here
Wanna wanna be here so let's go

Turn off the radio
Turn off the TV
I don't wanna be
Wanna wanna be
I don't want to be here so let's go

Turn off the radio
Turn off the TV
Eliminate me you turn me into

So bored with my life
Entertained me with normal
It's so typical

Artists traded in for the talentless
Spoiled kid
Wife swap
The has-beens

So entertaining it makes me sick
Don't stop the feed
No don't touch the feed

I don't wanna wanna be
Wanna wanna be
I don't want to be here
Wanna wanna be here so let's go

Turn off the radio
Turn off the TV
I don't wanna wanna be
Wanna wanna be
I don't want to be here
Wanna wanna be here so let's go
Turn off the radio
Turn off the TV

I'm so uninterested
So unamused
Dissapointed in yourself
To be so consumed
I'm so uninterested
So unamused
Dissapointed in yourself
To be so consumed

Buy nothing
Buy nothing

I don't wanna wanna be
Wanna wanna be
I don't want to be here
Wanna wanna be here so let's go
Turn off the radio
Turn off the TV

I don't wanna wanna be
Wanna wanna be
I don't want to be here
Wanna wanna be here so let's go
Turn off the radio
Turn off the TV

I don't wanna wanna be
Wanna wanna be
I don't want to be here
Wanna wanna be here so let's go
Turn off the radio
Turn off the TV

I don't wanna wanna be
Wanna wanna be
I don't want to be here
Wanna wanna be here so let's go
Turn off the radio
Turn off the TV

10. Just

Just a few seconds away from everyone
From everything
Just a few seconds away
A second of your time and an inch of my own space

Need a little peace of mind
After all this
After all that you do

Shut it up
Zip it
I need a little time to think
Without all this
Without all that you do

Keep it
Don't want it
Think I'll just go away
Away from here
From you

Time out
Walk it off
Think I need to throw a flag
Just a little break from the games that you play

Just a few seconds away from everyone
From everything
Just a few seconds away
All I want from all of you
Just a few seconds away
Away from this
It's neverending
Just a few seconds away
A second of your time and an inch of my own space

Beat it up
Whip it out
Top it with a little scream
All that you are
For all that you do

Crush it all
Kill it
Calling out my enemy
Don't want anything
I want nothing from you

Dry it up
Turn around and walk away
Cry your tears

Lift it up
Destroy it
Build it up to tear it down
All the little things that make me run away

Just a few seconds away from everyone
From everything
Just a few seconds away
All I want from all of you
Just a few seconds away
Away from this
It's neverending
Just a few seconds away
Just a second of your time and an inch of my own space

Stop talking
Stop bothering me
Just walk away
I've had enough today

I have a life too
I've had enough of you
Feel like screaming
So go the fuck away

Go away
Go away
Go away
Go away

Just a few seconds away from everyone
From everything
Just a few seconds away
All I want from all of you
Just a few seconds away
Away from this
It's neverending
Just a few seconds away
A second of your time and an inch of my own space

21-01-2007, 15:22
11. All That You Are

Repeating in my head
Repeating in my head
Repeating in my head

It's not your fault
The well of thought and trust has run dry
Don't be afraid to let go
Don't be afraid to start over when it's over

Let go
Let go
Let go
Let go

Let go of feelings
Let go of compromise
Hollow trunk for shelter
So dark and cold inside
I always seem to find myself alone
Jaded shell of being
Porous as a stone

Because of you

Let go of trusting
Lost thought for family
Let go of living
No more concerns of demise
I never seem to find rhythm for life's harmony

Twisted broken
Without a reason

Because of you

It's all me
All you are
Without me
There's nothing else
There's no one

All you are
Without me
You're by yourself
There's no one

Hope is out of season
Lost sight
No hint of light
Get busy living or get busy dying

Because of you

It's all me
All you are
Without me
There's nothing else
There's no one

All you are
Without me
You're by yourself
There's no one

Save me
This loss
Closure my
So grant it

You owe me all that you are
Without me
You're nothing
You're no one


You're no one
Do you care because I don't
You're no one
Nobody cares so just go

You're no one
By yourself all alone

It's all me
All you are
Without me
You're by yourself
There's no one

All you are
Without me
You're by yourself
There's no one

Save me
This loss
Closure my
So grant it
You owe me all that you are
Without me
You're nothing

12. Pulling The String

Running I'm alway running from myself
No one to help me
No one knows
Not that anyone who knew would care

Hanging from your tree
Am I an ornament of longing
A seed trapped inside the shell that is me
Nobody can save me
From this
From myself

Hurricane of head space
Spinning circle
Stacking up the walls that hide you from yourself
Crumbling pieces of me
An offering to you
Falling gifts from me to you
Left nothing for myself
You had my cake and ate it too
And left nothing for me

For breaking
These eyes
For seeing
Right through
For you to trample
Confidence lost
Nothing to lose
Nothing to gain
From this loss
This right of passage denied
Holding the headstone
Tied to no one
Loosen the knot
Pulling the string

Feels like I'm losing all my worth
No one to notice
No one would care
If they took the time to stop and stare

Nobody has the time for me
For myself
Blistering pieces of me
I'm giving them to you
These sweet whispers are from me to you
Want nothing for myself

You hold my world inside your hands
And leave nothing for me

For breaking
These eyes
For seeing
Right through
For you to trample
Confidence lost
Nothing to lose
Nothing to gain
From this loss
This right of passage denied
Holding the headstone
Tied to no one
Loosen the knot
Pulling the string

So sorry
For whatever it was I've done
So I'm deserting

Got to just be
You've got to just know
I've got to leave
It's time for me to go

So here's the note
I've left the key
I hope that when you find this
I've left you with a happy ending...


For breaking
These eyes
For seeing
Right through
For you to trample
Confidence lost
Nothing to lose
Nothing to gain

23-01-2007, 12:06
11. All That You Are

Repeating in my head
Repeating in my head
Repeating in my head

It's not your fault
The well of thought and trust has run dry
Don't be afraid to let go
Don't be afraid to start over when it's over

Let go
Let go
Let go
Let go

Let go of feelings
Let go of compromise
Hollow trunk for shelter
So dark and cold inside
I always seem to find myself alone
Jaded shell of being
Porous as a stone

Because of you

Let go of trusting
Lost thought for family
Let go of living
No more concerns of demise
I never seem to find rhythm for life's harmony

Twisted broken
Without a reason

Because of you

It's all me
All you are
Without me
There's nothing else
There's no one

All you are
Without me
You're by yourself
There's no one

Hope is out of season
Lost sight
No hint of light
Get busy living or get busy dying

Because of you

It's all me
All you are
Without me
There's nothing else
There's no one

All you are
Without me
You're by yourself
There's no one

Save me
This loss
Closure my
So grant it

You owe me all that you are
Without me
You're nothing
You're no one


You're no one
Do you care because I don't
You're no one
Nobody cares so just go

You're no one
By yourself all alone

It's all me
All you are
Without me
You're by yourself
There's no one

All you are
Without me
You're by yourself
There's no one

Save me
This loss
Closure my
So grant it
You owe me all that you are
Without me
You're nothing

12. Pulling The String

Running I'm alway running from myself
No one to help me
No one knows
Not that anyone who knew would care

Hanging from your tree
Am I an ornament of longing
A seed trapped inside the shell that is me
Nobody can save me
From this
From myself

Hurricane of head space
Spinning circle
Stacking up the walls that hide you from yourself
Crumbling pieces of me
An offering to you
Falling gifts from me to you
Left nothing for myself
You had my cake and ate it too
And left nothing for me

For breaking
These eyes
For seeing
Right through
For you to trample
Confidence lost
Nothing to lose
Nothing to gain
From this loss
This right of passage denied
Holding the headstone
Tied to no one
Loosen the knot
Pulling the string

Feels like I'm losing all my worth
No one to notice
No one would care
If they took the time to stop and stare

Nobody has the time for me
For myself
Blistering pieces of me
I'm giving them to you
These sweet whispers are from me to you
Want nothing for myself

You hold my world inside your hands
And leave nothing for me

For breaking
These eyes
For seeing
Right through
For you to trample
Confidence lost
Nothing to lose
Nothing to gain
From this loss
This right of passage denied
Holding the headstone
Tied to no one
Loosen the knot
Pulling the string

So sorry
For whatever it was I've done
So I'm deserting

Got to just be
You've got to just know
I've got to leave
It's time for me to go

So here's the note
I've left the key
I hope that when you find this
I've left you with a happy ending...


For breaking
These eyes
For seeing
Right through
For you to trample
Confidence lost
Nothing to lose
Nothing to gain

Эти тексты и так все знают напамять! :lol:

23-01-2007, 19:36
Обожаю эту группу. Классная работа музыкантов (особенно бассиста :heart: ), сложные тексты и яркие клипы - вот то, что привлекает меня в этой группе. Кстати, мне понравилось, что музыканты при работе над клипами Happy?, World So Cold выступали без грима. ИМХО, им так намного лучше :) Кстати, исправьте меня, если я ошибаюсь, но они вроде бы отказались от "макияжа" еще во время работы над Lost And Found. Я прав?

ЗЫ: Спасибо andrew за выложенные тексты.
ЗЗЫ: 2КоЯn: Убери оверквотинг, пожалуйста.

24-03-2007, 13:38
MuDvAyNe - 2002 - The End Of All Things To Come

1. Silenced

Sticker this, censor this, ban this, we've got something to say!
Police this, condemn this, damn this- we'll be heard anyway!
Middle finger is the flag that I wave when I'm silenced!

Listen here.
Is it a possibility that we're all just equal? Slam the power down, abusing!
Does it piss you off to be beat at your own game?
You lead us with false morals and shelter reality!

No more... we're not buying your product when you're selling the words
preaching silence!

Insult me in my home where you were never invited To live life off your
curve, frustrating!
Throw sticks into the spokes to relieve insecurities.
Stifle all ascension and sticker our freedom of speech!

Sticker this, censor this, ban this, we've got something to say!
Police this, condemn this, damn this- we'll be heard anyway!
Middle finger is the flag that I wave when I'm silenced!

Don't tell me what I want, don't tell me what I need.
Don't tell me how I need to feel, I feel GODDAMN NOTHING!
Dig the eyes out of my face, I can still see right fucking through you.
Fuck you and everything you are, I'm me, we're us, and that's all!
Closed mind with a forum to criticize, keep your policy and I've got mine.
Exploit me, fabricate your lies, we empower these cowards just to be left in

Listen here:
Stand on my soapbox and speak my own peace. Whatever you may think, it's
Prevail through what is me and step on your beliefs.
Thieving spineless sell-outs robbing our integrity!


Sticker this, censor this, ban this, we've got something to say!
Police this, condemn this, damn this- we'll be heard anyway!
Middle finger is the flag that I wave when I'm...

2. Trapped In The Wake Of A Dream

Do I deserve these beatings? Hating me, well then cut. Cut the noose and let
me fall away.
I'm growing weak and tired of you, and your little shoving games,
Fucking pushing me.
You pulled the trigger, trapped in the wake of your...

DREAM! You're all killers! Always fucking pushing me, insulting me, I'm
I have found the strength of gods in me. Crushing, all unwilling, this is so
Hard as nails, hook that holds, reach down and find the strength of many in

My sanctuary calling my name, so I run through to the light, weeping through
a cloud.
Darkened by a tainted dream of me, being pummeled by the tide crushing,
killing me.
But I can't wake up, trapped in the wake of a...

DREAM! You're all killers! Always fucking pushing me, insulting me, I'm
I have found the strength of gods in me. Crushing, all unwilling, this is so
Hard as nails, hook that holds, reach down and find the strength of many in

Call it, call it a truce, I'm believing in it more and more.
Comfort, purge the truth, I'll believe it, I'm so weak and sore.
Shadowed, hide and seek, but you never looked, I wait behind the door.
Call out, bite the hand that is feeding, COMPASSION NO MORE!


Dream sewing, filters distort reality of what is mine.
Through light this mind awakens, I draw the line from then and now.
Awake and dreaming, forgotten past... future becomes MINE!

Throw the chains all away, take control of your life.
Powers known, this is my...
Throw the chains all away, take control of your life.
Powers known, THIS IS MY...

DREAM! You're all killers! Always fucking pushing me, insulting me, I'm
I have found the strength of gods in me. Crushing, all unwilling, this is so
Hard as nails, hook that holds, reach down and find the strength of many in

3. Not Falling

Always known in all my time, a little left of center now.
Reflect as I realize that all I need
Is to find the middle pillar path, to sit like the sun by a star in the sky
and just be.
Sinners, casting stones at me!

I, I stand- not crawling, not fallings down! I, I bleed- the demons that drag
me down!
I, I stand (for nothing)! Not crawling (the center), not falling down! (Of
calms within the eye!)
I, I'll bleed (for no one)! The demons (but myself) that pull me down...
For me and no one else.

Goodbye sunshine, I've put it out again, SAD!
I'm over, personalities conflicting, I don't need you or anyone but me.
I'll just be living my own life. I feel my glowing center grow.
Infecting, I feel alive. Shovel dirt over lime.
Plant it in myself to sit like a seed under covers of earth and just be.
Sinners, point your fingers at me!

I, I stand- not crawling, not fallings down! I, I bleed- the demons that drag
me down!
I, I stand (for nothing)! Not crawling (the center), not falling down! (Of
calms within the eye!)
I, I'll bleed (for no one)! The demons (but myself) that pull me down...
For me and no one else.

Come play kill. Refuse my body, refuse my shadow!
Stone cold will. Refuse to lead this, refuse to follow!
Bitter pills - refuse to feed this, refuse to swallow, I'm fueled godless!
Come play, come play kill. Just be.

4. (Per)Version Of A Truth

When everything is lost (peel it all away). Haunting us with questions
Will we ever find the smile inside (no), is it hiding behind the sweating
eyes (bleeding)?
Dead inside - a scream that's pouring from me!

I'm planted in this skin (constricting and pulling me).
This dirty, filthy skin (rancid and stinging me!)
I burn behind the walls (that have become my world).
The bearer of a gift, FUCK YOUR GIFT!

TRUTH DOES NOT EXIST, but the lies do... (2x)
They're buried in the skin, evolved.

Perversion of a truth, I'm stuck there. (Alone) Inside of lies buried in me,
Born into a world; never asked to be here. Try to forget truth doesn't exist,
It doesn't exist, it doesn't exist, TRUTH! DAATH!

Always inside a tragedy (things never seem to go away).
A room that I remember (portraits I carry).
Try letting go of this space (bad habits can't kick me).
The fool that fell from heaven, HEAVEN!

Perversion of a truth, I'm stuck there. (Alone) Inside of lies buried in me,
Born into a world; never asked to be here. Try to forget truth doesn't exist,
It doesn't exist, it doesn't exist, TRUTH!

Maybe we're all the children of a star, misguided in direction, our
Pardon me while I pray for light.

I'm not the only one that walks between the rain, there are many.
I'm not the only one when everything is lost that doesn't surrender.

Perversion of a truth, I'm stuck there inside of lies buried in me, WHY?!
Blind walking through a world, I never asked to be here.

Versions of the truth, I'm not the only one.

5. Mercy, Severity

We've come here from so far away, I can save you if you leave it all behind.
This suffering's been far too long, would you take a trip with me on the back
of a star?
I feel like earth's gravity is just here to pull us down!

Mother of creation, wait! Embrace the souls of the lost world, carry them
Darkness, negative, receptive. Pour firmament between our waters, separate
the space.
Mother of destruction, wait! With a belt of skulls, tie me down and send the
ship away!
Progress with the process! Mine the souls from their casts, pour, form, and

This dark womb wraps and covets me, redefining, understanding if you open up
the heart.
Nurturing this phenomenon. We can carry on our wings, our wings through the
Lightning flashes of insight into the mirth of a dark sky...
Pain of division is nothing, joy of disillusion is everything!

Mother of creation, wait! Embrace the souls of the lost world, carry them
Darkness, negative, receptive. Pour firmament between our waters, separate
the space.
Mother of destruction, wait! With a belt of skulls, tie me down and send the
ship away!
Progress with the process! Mine the souls from their casts, pour, form, and

Portal sits deep within the eye!
The eye of Yin's severity, rewards understanding.
Portal sits deep within the eye!
The eye of Yin's severity, rewards understanding.

Blackness consumes body comforts core of nothing. (2X)
Mother, I can remember a vault of security.
Can you take me away, would you take me away, won't you take me away, AWAY!

Mother of creation, wait! Embrace the souls of the lost world, carry them
Darkness, negative, receptive. Pour firmament between our waters, separate
the space.
Mother of destruction, wait! With a belt of skulls, tie me down and send the
ship away!
Progress with the process! Mine the souls from their casts, pour, form, and

24-03-2007, 13:43
6. A World So Cold

When passion's lost, and all the trust is gone, way too far for way too long.
Children crying, cast out and neglected... only in a world so cold, only in a
world this cold.

Hold the hand of your best friend, look into their eyes, then watch them
drift away.
Some might say we've done the wrong things for way too long, for way too long...

Fever inside the storm, so I'm turning away. Away from the name (calling your
Away from the stones (throw sticks and stones) Cause I'm through mending the
wounds of us.
Keep your thorns, cause I'm running away. Away from the games (fucking head
Away from the space (hate this head space) The circumstances of a world so

Burning whispers remind me of the days. I was left alone in a world this
Guilty of the same things, provoked by the cause. I'm left alone in a world
so cold!

Fever inside the storm, so I'm turning away. Away from the name (calling your
Away from the stones (throw sticks and stones) Cause I'm through mending the
wounds of us.
Keep your thorns, cause I'm running away. Away from the games (fucking head
Away from the space (hate this head space) The circumstances of a world so

I'm flying, I'm flying away! Away from the names (calling your names)
Away from the games (fucking head games) The circumstances of a world so

Why does everyone feel like my enemy, don't want any part of depression or
I've had enough, sick and tired, bring the sun or I'm gone... OR I'M GONE!

I'm backing out, I'm no pawn, no motherfucking slave to this -
Never lied, never left, never lived, never loved.
Never lost, never hurt, never worry about being me or anyone else.
Not a care, no concern. Don't give a shit about anything!

Backing out, giving up, no motherfucking slave to this.
Never lied, never left, never lived, never loved.
Never lost, never hurt, never worry about being me or anyone else.
Not a care, no concern. Don't give a shit about anything!

I need to find a darkened corner, a lightless corner where it's safe and
I'm turning away. Away from the name (calling your names)
Away from the stones (throw sticks and stones) Cause I'm through mending the
wounds of us.
I'm running away. Away from the games (fucking head games)
Away from the space (hate this head space) The circumstances of a world so

I'm flying, I'm flying away! Away from the names (calling your names)
Away from the games (fucking head games) The circumstances of a world so

7. The Patient Mental

Patient, just as I am, as always.
Watch the time go by, nothing left to pass by.
The minutes follow me, drunken little people work away in me.

Why won't they leave me, leave me alone?
When I don't even want me, want me.

I have to kill the words before they form my sentence.
The sentence that is me, judged by those that carry.
The patient sits in cradled arms that comfort me by strangling.

Why won't they leave me, leave me alone?
When I don't even want me, want me.

The patient mental sits and stares,
An idle mind that's empty, screaming, staring back.
Why won't they leave him, leave him alone?
A passive speared ritual, driven by our war ship... the hate-driven enemy.

They have to kill the meal before they can consume.
Consume my inner peace without the understanding.
Trapped inside the works, the hands are moving me.

The patient mental sits and stares,
An idle mind that's empty, screaming, staring back.
Why won't they leave him, leave him alone?
A passive speared ritual, driven by our war ship... the hate-driven enemy.

Release me, let me go, why do they observe me?
There's nothing here to cure.
I can see the silhouettes that sit behind the mirror.
I'm just like a clock upon the wall - always moving, but never going

The patient mental sits and stares,
An idle mind that's empty, screaming, staring back.
Why won't they leave him, leave him alone?
A passive speared ritual, driven by our war ship... the hate-driven enemy.

8. Skrying

This puzzle's dead inside, missing pieces growing eyes, mystery.
Little girls severity, little boys begging mercy.
Sticks break at me, cost of life at 23.
Price of pain - a golden ring, all crimson.
Melting body, rubber world; battle axe with locks of curls, INTROVERTED.

My cost, the price of a broken doll, can you remember that place?
That place you would go to make things okay...

1000 points for insect stings, glue my spirit, break my wings, misery.
Libido steams, infectious whore... cauterize and forge the sword.

Children learning the secret knock,
A nickel to enter that place, that place you would go to make things okay.
My cost, the price of a broken doll, can you remember that place?
That place you would go to take pain away...

Games of passion taste so sweet, cut his throat and slaughter meat, my
Seven heads for seven seas, darkened voices plead disease, dismembering me.

Children wrestle to seal the bag, storing it deep in that place.
That place you would go to try to escape.
Children learning the secret knock,
A nickel to enter that place, that place you would go to make things okay.
My cost, the price of a broken doll, can you remember that place?
That place you would go to take pain away...

Skrying through reflections in a pool, I see death coming, moving down.
Do you remember the bedroom, was it your cell or was it your tomb?
[Repeat, screamed.]

You're living through my hell. [2X]

Children learning the secret knock,
A nickel to enter that place, that place you would go to make things okay.
My cost, the price of a broken doll, can you remember that place?
That place you would go to take pain away...

9. Solve Et Coagula

Fire, fire. I dissolve and solidify, destroy to recreate.
Disassemble to assemble something pure.
Our rubric sol-ve-et-co-ag-u-la...
Kill to be born again, cycled a thousand times.

Fire, planetary alchemy, fire, the time is here now.
Fire, four corners to rise... fire, rise!
Fire, there's always loss within, fire, the cleansing, it's time.
Fire, shooting arrows to the sky... fire!

I construct a new institution, not out of bricks, iron, cement, concrete, or
Our rubric sol-ve-et-co-ag-u-la...
Distill to purify, we've done it a thousand times.

Fire, planetary alchemy, fire, the time is here now.
Fire, four corners to rise... fire, rise!
Fire, there's always loss within, fire, the cleansing, it's time.
Fire, shooting arrows to the sky... fire!

Burn, bleed all the lives of life, ascend to the sky.
Burn all the martyrs!

Fire, planetary alchemy, fire, the time is here now.
Fire, four corners to rise... fire, rise!
Fire, there's always loss within, fire, the cleansing, it's time.
Fire, shooting arrows to the sky... fire!

10. Shadow Of A Man

Mirror, mirror, upon the wall... I'm asking you
Who is the most confused of them all?
Mirror, mirror, subservient twin screams back at me "you."
You sick flawless mime, I want to break you. Yeah, you're a clever one...

Do you reflect me, or do I reflect you, are you inside of another world?
I want to break through... yeah, you're a clever one.

Is this a tool, can I step through?
To find another plane or just a shadow of a man?
A superficial tool to support the vanity of weak...
When you don't love yourself.

If life's as painful on your side,
I'll break your existence and cut through mine.
You're a clever one.

Are you a tool, can I step through?
To find another plane or just a shadow of a man?
Are you my brother? You look like me trapped inside another world.
My lost twin... just a superficial tool, to support the vanity of weak
When you don't love yourself.

Mirror upon the wall, am I the reflection of you?
Mirror upon the wall, are you staring back through?
Understanding has no place within my world on your side.

Are you a tool, can I step through?
To find another plane or just a shadow of a man?
Are you my brother? You look like me trapped inside another world.
My lost twin... just a superficial tool, to support the vanity of weak
When you don't love yourself.

11. 12:97:24:99

24-03-2007, 13:46
12. The End Of All Things To Come

All over with... fuck all the flags, the greed, the world leaders.
Run for the fence. We're coming, we're killing, we're changing the faces.
Believe in yourself! Let go of ego, strengthen within yourself.
All over with! We're coming, we're killing, we're changing the faces.

I'm killing every fucking thing
Until somebody gets the fucking point, the point I'm trying to make.
I lead the mice on parade down to the river of kool aid and open up the flood
I need a barrel of cyanide; a pile of strychnine
Until the whole damned world is dead, start over again!

All over with... fuck all the flags, the greed, the world leaders.
Run for the fence. We're coming, we're killing, we're changing the faces.

Stop talking, negotiating...
Your feeble attempts towards world peace, give me a fucking break.
Need world-wide genocide, planetary suicide!
And when the whole damn world is dead, there's your fucking peace!

All over with... fuck all the flags, the greed, the world leaders.
Run for the fence. We're coming, we're killing, we're changing the faces.
Believe in yourself! Let go of ego, strengthen within yourself.
All over with! We're coming, we're killing, we're changing the faces.

Oxygen wasters, come on!

We've come to save you... to save you from yourselves.
Kill or be killed.

All over with... fuck all the flags, the greed, the world leaders.
Run for the fence. We're coming, we're killing, we're changing the faces.
Believe in yourself! Let go of ego, strengthen within yourself.
All over with! We're coming, we're killing, we're changing the faces.

13. A Key To Nothing

No more doors, no more locks, no more windows, no more box.
No more, no less, no more six foot digs, no more hypocrites!

No more emptiness, no more consequence, no more puppet strings, no more
No more growing up, no more happiness, no more lying down, no more

I have, I hold the key to nothing... it's a small killing.
Murder, murders in the hands of motion, as it seems to be.

No more nothing, no more anything, no more you, no more me.
No more posturing victories, no more nations to defeat, no more speaking
truth, no more deceit.
No more holding down, no more pushing me, no more new world order, no more

I have, I hold the key to nothing... it's a small killing.
Murder, murders in the hands of motion, as it seems to be.

I'm washing my hands of the whole thing.

I want no more nothing.

I have, I hold the key to nothing... it's a small killing.
Murder, murders in the hands of motion, as it seems to be.
I'm washing my hands of everything, of everything we are.

14. Goodbye

[Special Edition DVD]

Pendulum stops and falls away
Life sifted through like sand
Storms of summer rain
Flooding lifelines in our hands
Our skin of blood and bone
Gently close to dust and blows
Our home of blood and bone
Pulls through the ground and so....
These feelings of loss
So unstoppable
Egging through to the marrow of bones
Just let it go
Pain willing in your eyes
Just let me go
Dry the tears that fall

And remember
When everything is typical
I'll be the wish upon a star
I've found a place so magical

See you another goodbye
I..See you another goodbye
See you another goodbye
See you another...

Peeling killers rise
Precious circle is mended
Sense vertigo in you
So I'll be your halo
So unstoppable
My love for you
So unstoppable
Memories of you

Just remember
When everything is typical
I'll be the wish upon a star
I've found a place so magical
But still please...

Someone, Help Me, Grab Me, Save Me Now,
Distrust, Darkened, Daylight, I've lost sight
Someone, Help Me, Grab Me, Save Me Now,
Distrust, Darkened, Daylight, I've lost sight

That nothing here is typical
I'll be the wish upon a star
I've lost something so magical
And gone so far
Just remember
When everything seems difficult
I'll be shining from a far
When it feels like things have gone away
I'll see you again

I'll see you again, Goodbye
I'll see you again, Goodbye
I'll see you again, Goodbye
I'll see you again, Goodbye
I'll see you again, Goodbye....

15. On The Move

[Special Edition DVD]

Pack up my shit I'm on the road like Kerouac (whooo)
Found tranquility in the cover that holds me (down down)
People I've query I'm always on the move (get more)
Set it up pack it up giddy up giddy up, whooo!

I love it, whooo!
I hate it

Rolling Stones gather no moss, so lets go
Not a life, not a love
Not a motherfuckin' minute to spare (god damn)
3 65 24/7 on the move (hey)
Gotta go gotta go gotta hurry up and get there (now)

I'm living' the life (whooo!)
Without the life (god damn)
Gotta make it today to live up on the stage (hey)
So I'm blowing it up like a high school game

I know my place is on this road, my sad story
Reflect on all the things that fell behind, can't be sorry
I will follow my life and all the curves that it throws me
Just when I think that I've found my home - I'm gone

When my worlds only gonna P to TM
We'll be choppin' him dead inside, until I'm dead (yeah)
Keep my hat on my head can't hang it without a home (god damn)
Gotta push it more and this way I am alone (hey)

I'm living' the life (whooo!)
Without the life (god damn)
Gotta make it today to live up on the stage (hey)
So I'm blowing it up like a high school game

I know my place is on this road, my sad story
Reflect on all the things that fell behind, can't be sorry
I will follow my life and all the curves that it throws me
Just when I think that I've found my home - I'm gone

This circus cycle family
If faces aren't so strange
Faces becoming more familiar
Day by day
Sharing becomes closer
Day by day
The world becomes our home

DAY - we'll turn up with nothing
NIGHT - but we'll be back sometime
DAY - if its ready I'm ready
NIGHT - I've lived a life today
DAY - I'm healing the bleeding
NIGHT - dead now to back alive
DAY - I've been through another
DAY - I'm living the life, yeah right

I know my place is on this road - I can't be sorry
Reflect on all the words that fell aside - my tragedy
I have followed my life and all the curves that it's thrown me
Now at least I know I've found my home
Where I belong!

20-10-2007, 15:53
Жирненька група.

The Punisher
21-10-2007, 02:17

...абАЖАЙу иХнивА басИСта...рЕТЧайшЫЙ псИХ... %\ %\ %\ ...шТО оН вЫтвАРЯиД...эХ...

ты меня опередил.... я тже хотел это написать:(


Behind Closed Door
21-10-2007, 17:25
а шота мне єта новая пака не сильна =)
папсовая каята

21-10-2007, 17:30
классная группааа)))))))Ыыыыыыыыы

08-01-2008, 14:20
Раян Даніель Мартін (Ru-d)

Злий геній бас-гітари

За його унікальну техніку, звук, сценічний образ багато хто рахує його ідеалом басиста і музиканта, а деякі - богом. Я ще не зустрічав людини, яка б сказала, що йому не подобається його стиль. Він надихнув і продовжує надихати тисячі людей у всьому світі. Його ім'я Ryan Daniel Martinie (aka "Ryknow" або "R-ud"), бас-гітарист групи Mudvayne. На початку своєї кар'єри Mudvayne суміщали в собі дику театралізованність і великий запас досвіду. Ryan гримувався як біс і так же поводився на сцені. Ця суміш виділяла його на тлі групи і взагалі серед багатьох інших басистів. Тепер же його виділяє супер професіоналізм і стиль.


Народився 20 травня 1975 року в місті Peoria, штат IL. Його велика сім'я часто переїздила по штату, тому з дитинства Ryan звик до сільської місцевості і дуже любить подорожувати, він не любить великі галасливі міста, йому подобатися бути оточеним природою знаходячись наодинці. Зараз якщо випадає можливість, то він відпочиває в своєму будинку, зручно розташувавшись на задньому дворі, сидячи з своїми собаками, попиваючи пиво, іноді запрошуючи друзів, але така можливість випадає украй рідко. «Багато хто думає, що грати в знаменитій рок-групі тільки весело (це дійсно весело), але коли спиш всього 5 годин, потім встаєш, летиш на літаку, прилітаєш, даєш інтерв'ю, увечері концерт і так повторюється багато раз підряд, дуже втомлюєшся. Звичайно, це цікаво і весело, але для мене – це робота і велика частина мого життя» - говорить Ryan. У звичай в житті він дуже скромна людина, може образитися на жарт. На концерти він часто запрошує своїх друзів і іноді своїх батьків. З роками гри на будь-якому музичному інструменті чоловік набирається досвіду, прагне поліпшити свою техніку гри. Ryan досить рано почав вивчати основи музики, тому вже в юності він грав багато джазових речей на бас-гітаре. Майбутній басист Mudvayne займався класичним вокалом (виграв декілька шкільних нагород). У пісні World So Cold можна почути його бек-вокал. На перших етапах на все це надихали Ryan'a: Jimi Hendrix, The Beatles, The Beach Boys і декілька джаз груп. Також в юності Ryan захоплювався грою на трубі. Трохи пізніше Ryan'a надихнув Geddy Lee (бас-гітарист групи Rush). Ryan вважає, що саме натхнення грає головну роль в музичному розвитку, а не просто прогресивний розвиток техніки гри. Розуміння цього також приходить з досвідом.Початок повноцінної творчої кар'єри Ryan'a почався з групи Broken Altar. У той час Mudvayne вже записали свій перший альбом («Kill, I Oughta» (басистом був Shawn Barclay) і прийшли на один виступ Broken Altar Ним так сподобався стиль басиста, що вони запросили його до себе. «Сам не знаю, чому погодився, адже мені і там непогано було» - говорить Ryan.

Трохи про техніку.

Ryan використовує велику кількість прийомів гри. Деякі з них: slap, double slap, tapping. але ніколи не використовує медіатор. Звичайний slap можна почути на альбомі L.D. 50 (наприклад пісня “Dig”). Double slap – прийом гри, коли ліва рука затискає і рухає октаву, а вказівний і середній палець правої руки з силою б'є по відповідних струнах (приклад: приспів пісні Happy?): Лад бас-гитар: 4 струни (лад CGCF і BF#BE) 5 струн (лад GCGCF)


Частково, його унікальний звук досягається з допомогою використання компресора dbx 160 Устаткування: Бас-гитари: Warwick Thumb 4 струни (1-й - накладка з чорного дерева, 2-ою з накладкою з палісандра і позолоченою механікою) Warwick Thumb 5 струн (1-й з накладкою з чорного дерева, 2-ой-из палісандра) Pedulla buzz 4 струни http://pedulla.com Warwick Vampyre 4 струни http://www.warwick.de

Струни: DR Black Beauty strings (Hi-Beams) (4 струни 45-105, 5 струн 45-135) Підсилювачі і кабінети: У 2001 році Ryan використовував: Amps: Ampeg SVT II Pro Bass Head Cabinets: Ampeg SVT810E Bass Cabinet / 8x10 Rack: DBX 160X Compressor В подальші роки використовував: Rig Ampeg SVT-4PRO head, AMPEGVT PR-810H 8x10 cabinet, Avalon U5 DI/preamp.

На альбомі The End of all Things to come Martinie використовував голову Ampeg SVT2Pro, кабінет PR-810. «Також я використовував голову SWR Workingman 10 витягнув динамік і підключив все через один з кабінетів Mesa для якіснішої передачі сигналу в середньому діапазоні» – говорить Ryan.

Ім'я: Ryan Daniel Martinie
Прізвисько: 1) Ryknow 2) Ru-d
Народився: 1975 Сімейний стан: не одружений
Звідки: центральний Illinios, часто переїздив з одного місця на інше.
В групі: басист
Улюблені групи: Rubber bands, Wedding bands
Перший концерт: “Ой, чувак! Я побував на величезній кількості концеротов коли ріс, і не можу пригадати перший”.
Улюблені актори: Yoda, Batman, William Shatner
Своя ідея щодо пекла: “Яким буде пекло? Я не знаю, тому що його не існує!”
Перша робота: працював в ресторані Улюблені фільми: A Space Odyssey, Thumb Wars, Icky Flicks, The Wishmaster
Улюблений колір: сельдерєєвий
Улюблений комік: “National Geographic”
Ідеальний обід: Багато свіжого кривавого м'яса будь-якого ссавця, скрізь і завжди
Кращий спорт: ---
Улюблена пісня мадов: “World So Cold”

17-01-2008, 17:10
Прикольная группа,любимые песни:
World So Cold
Know Forever
Not Falling